I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you...

But may I just say....hay. ;) xx
Just a quick one today. The puffiness seems to have subsided somewhat, which is wonderful news for us all, but I'm not counting my chickens before they've woken up tomorrow and are still not puffy. Havin' a quinoa, couscous & chicken salad like a freakin' grown up and making a start on one of my novel ideas. 'Tis a challenge. I'm slowly figuring it out, but the more I work out the start the less I know what I want to happen over the rest of it. Such is life, amirite lads.

I've had Midnight In Paris playing in the background on repeat, mainly for the rain scenes. Heard Dali say the word 'rhinoceros' maybe thirty times today. Regardless, scenes with rain are always my favourite parts of movies and they make me want to write, so holler at me if you have any movie recommendations featuring moderate to heavy precipitation.

Between being sick and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life I've been feeling a bit out of it lately, but I think I'm finally starting to get over that and rejoin the real world. She says, watching Owen Wilson say the same line for maybe the fifth time that day. Solid. I must admit I'm writing this now to put off getting back to the book, so I should probably quit being a weenie and go write more of that, but I will return on the morrow. I'm excited for March. Many blessinz. x0