Right This Second: Nusa Lembongan

Making: A squinty face because the sun is reflecting off the ocean into my eyes
Cooking: Myself. In the sun. Just had my last pool sesh of the trip and methinx it may have resulted in my first burn. Of the trip not of life I have had many burns in my life both physical and emotional but we won't get into those.
DrinkingNothing but I would be drinking water right now if I were smart
Reading: Into some situations
Wanting: Food and a shower and a bed
Looking: At the ocean and enjoying my lyf. The waves are really big today.
Wasting: The sun by sitting in the shade but also I am definitely burnt so
Wishing: That the hotel restaurant man would stop talking to me because he has now played the 'you should come back with your boyfriend, why didn't you come with your boyfriend?' card and I just want some food dude I'm not #lookin4love.
Enjoying: The breeze
WaitingFor the guy to come back (turn of events) so I can order food
WatchingPeople like a mile away because my camera can zoom in real far
Liking: The fact that we're going home tomorrow. Like it's pretty here but I want my bed and to not be sweating always.
WonderingWhat is going on with my brain lately. I'm sure we'll get into that in a later post once I'm home but there is something odd going on and it's not necessarily bad but I am spacey af and I feel like there's a little layer of clouds that I need to break through so I can access my thoughts properly again. Not in an anxiety I-can't-organise-my-thoughts way just like....I probs need to meditate or some shit idk.
Loving: The fact that I'm moving to London in 129 days
Hoping: I am not burnt too badly and that the boat back to Bali can deal with these waves
Marvelling: At the view
Needing: For them to move all the shrubbery that detracts from the view so I can take a better insty photo. Seriously not being weird but there are these really spindly yellowish trees all over the cliffs that just do not work aesthetically and it's throwin' me off. Come on, nature
SmellingNothing, maybe fire?
WearingSlightly wet bathers and slightly wet denim shorts and a mostly dry Yale t-shirt that I mainly wear to bed
Playing: Bob Marley. I'm not playing it, the restaurant hut is because that is ALL they play.
Following: This lil bird having a great fly around. Not physically. Just with my eyes.
Noticing: That this banana milkshake has a weird after-feel but I don't care
KnowingNot what the mountain across the ocean is, that's for sure. I will found out. I'm obsessed with the mountain. It reminds me of Japan and Vesuvius simultaneously and I didn't even notice it was there at first.
Thinking: About whether or not my BLT is going to get here in time for us to leave
FeelingVery warm.